How to install and configure Android SDK with Eclipse on Ubuntu 11.04

22 06 2011

Hi, today I’m going to tell you how to install and configure Android Software Development Kit with Eclipse on ubuntu 11.04 environment. These days Android application developing has became major trend. So as application developers we should also consider about new trends. To set up a computer in order to develop Android applications we need 4 things.

  1. Java Development tool Kit (JDK)
  2. Eclipse IDE
  3. Android SDK for Linux(i386)
  4. Android plug-in for Eclipse

Ok now I assume you have downloaded and installed JDK and Eclipse or already have both of them.

Now extract the Android SDK into a safe location, (keep this on your mind, that downloaded Android SDK is not a full development environment. It only contains the core libraries. When configuring it with Eclipse you need to download at least one of the android developing environments.)

Then start Eclipse ,to install the android plug-in for eclipse.

Then go to Help –> Install New Software

Click Available Software Sites as shown on above image.

At the preferences window, click add

At the NAME field give Galileo or some-name , and   at the LOCATION field give this URL if you use Eclipse Galileo version :

If you are using Eclipse Helios, use this URL instead of that.

then click OK.

Now move back to the install window

then click Add, in the top-right corner.

Enter ADT_Plugin for the Name and the following URL for the Location field:

OR you can point downloaded file as Archive (you shouldn’t extract it)

then, Click OK.

In the Available Software window , check the check-box

In the Available Software dialog, select the checkbox next to Developer Tools and click Next.

In the next window, there will be some tools to be downloaded. Click Next.

Read and accept the license agreements, then click Finish.

Sometimes you may get a security warning like this, click OK

When the installation completes, restart Eclipse.

Now you should add android platforms..

Start Eclipse Window –> Android SDK and AVD Manager.

This process may take some time…!

Then under the Available packages select at least one or all, then click Install Selected.

Then go to windows –> preferences, under it click Android tab and click OK.

Now you are ready to go with Android+Eclipse.


Gihan Malan De Silva.